My name is Matthew Cook. I am . . . well, a lot of things. I'm a visual development artist. That means I like to think about imaginary things and then draw them. I like to design creatures, buildings, islands, puzzles, toys, robots, furniture, vehicles, and just about anything else for animation and video-games.
Making things up is even more fun when you can do it with other people, so I also like to teach others how. I am currently a visiting lecturer in Illustration at the University of Kansas School of Design.
I'm also a Product Designer. Have you ever wondered where a sticker comes from? Sometimes I make them; stickers, crafting kits and all manner of fun and useful crafting goodies for EKSuccess.
Did you know I'm also a scientist? It's true. A computer scientist engineer. I do a little programming and a lot of math. (I also look very dashing in a lab coat.)
When I get time away from all that drawing and mad science-ry I also like to write. I write short stories, curious little vignettes, and all sorts of other creative scribblings besides.
The point is I like to think, and I like to make things, and I'm pretty good at it. Maybe I could make something for you?
KU School of Architecture and Design - Department of Design
Courses include: Drawing Media 1, Introduction to Illustration, Concept Art, Advanced Concept Art, Fundamentals of Animation.
KU School of Architecture and Design - Department of Design
Courses include: Drawing Media 1, Introduction to Illustration, Concept Art, Advanced Concept Art, Fundamentals of Animation.
Worked as part of the Digital Gravure Group to prepare gift wrap designs for press. Performed color separations, color checking, and trapping of artwork. Met with designers to resolve design issues. Logged artwork into database. Trouble shot printing issues with other members of team
Create original content for multiple mass market paper crafting brands. Specify and review products for overseas manufacturing. Design and construct crafting kits, models, mockups, and product packaging. Research and develop new craft products and tools.
KU Department of Design
Advanced Concept Art: Fall 2015
I create original and compelling traditional and digital illustrations in a variety of styles for visual development and publishing. Clients include Razorbill (an imprint of Penguin Books), Branit FX, Beat by Beat Press, Ty Jones Films, The Gerson Companies.
Assisted in design and programming of Unity3D based educational game for web and iPad. Character design and illustration for commercial advertising. Motion graphics animation. Technical consulting services.
Developed visual style for Unity3D based game. Assisted in design of puzzles and other game mechanics. Assisted in translation of concept art into textures and 3D models. Game programming.